New: a graphic novel of the backstory... for free

It's all in the details. But often the details are not very thrilling. There was a story full of details around the protagonist Cramer, what  he did for the minotaurs and what he did not, leading to a chain of events which finally brought him  onto the secret island... where the game starts. Well, at least there's the intro video. In about a minute it tries to summarize the most important points so that a minimal orientation in the situation is possible. But that's just a shortcut.

The player - and the story  - deserves a better approach. An optional approach. So, to tell the missing detailed backstory, I created a graphic novel. It was a slow process but I saw the daily progress of it, and it was fun... mostly. Mainly, it was work.

And  in the end at least the most important plot points are in the result. You can tell something with 46 pages, but not anything.

You find it here:

I hope you like it, and anyway - I am looking forward for your opinion, your comments.

Get Cramers Nightmare

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